siobahn ysabel

This is the blog for siobahn ysabel. I created this blog for my daughter's use. I get to interject ... until she kicks me off ... with stuff about her I want to remember and share with and about her. This is her blog portal.


my first guitar lesson

i have my very own guitar. i got it for my birthday. its decorated with stickers. its pink, and pink is my favorite color. it has cool edges ... dark, rainbow sparklely colors. this morning i woke up thinking about sammy my music teacher at school. on the paper, most of the things were not for the recorders, they were for the guitars. and that's when i thought about getting a lesson on guitar, so i asked my dad because he plays the guitar so he can teach me how to play the guitar. this was my first guitar lesson. its awesomriffic!

i was just playing the guitar. i had to hold the string down on the fret while i strummed the strings.

he was telling me how to hold the guitar pick. he said to hold like i was holding something really gross. just pinching it.

this is when i was learning the e-major chord, and how to hold all the strings with my fingers.

its fun, its cool, and its amazing. and i got a free class without paying.

my mom is a weird mom. ('why?' i get to ask.) because you are just weird.

the end.
stevie (aka siobahn)


  • At 17/7/06 8:13 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Dear Siobahn,

    I want you to know that I loved the pictures. They were amazing!

    I got my first loose today. It's very exciting.

    I hope we see each other soon and that you're having a good time in Las Vegas. I'm having a good time at Tom Sawyer Camp.

    That's my life! PORTIA

  • At 18/7/06 7:57 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Hey Little Doo-Doo,
    You look good with that guitar. When I see you in November, you'll have to play me a song.

    You're getting so big. You'll be taller than me when I see you next. I still have your Easter present. I'll try to send it to you this weekend.

    I miss you and your Daddy & Mommy. Stay sweet....see you soon!!


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